Juan Ignacio Segovia


My name is Juan Ignacio Segovia. Originally from Argentina I have lived in Australia for 10 years and I am passionate about fitness, personal training, and physical education. I have been fortunate enough to have worked with a variety of people from different backgrounds, cultures and different ages, from young athletes, general public and older adults, both within Australia and Argentina. Upon arriving in Australia I completed my Certificate III in Gym Instruction, Certificate IV in Personal Training and my Senior First Aid. I m also a Health & Nutrition Coach. In 2003 I competed my degree in Physical Education.

My degree has allowed me to be involved not only at schools but with, institute of sports, and also with personal training and gym instruction too. Additional it has provided me with comprehensive education and knowledge in; 

  • Anatomy
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Management concepts in sport and fitness settings
  • Worksite Wellness
  • Fitness screen 

Below are some of the courses that have had a deep impact on my life and mentors along my journey this far…


Gray Cook
Mark Reifkind
Dan John
Brett Jones
Erwan La Corre


RKCC School of Strenght

Physical Education Teacher

Functional Movement Screen
